The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA) is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person into:
Believing with the Church community (doctrinal formation)
Living with the Church community (practical formation)
Praying with the Church community (liturgical formation)
Serving with the Church community (apostolic formation)
The OCIA is intended to serve:
The unbaptized who would like to learn more about the Catholic faith
Those baptized in another Christian denomination who would like to become Catholic
Those baptized Catholic who have not received both Holy Communion and Confirmation
Program Information
There is a fee for the course materials used for this process, which runs from mid-September through Easter for approximately 2 hours one day a week. If you are interested in registering for this program, please call Don Herweg at 630-845-0318 or Deacon Mariusz Kosla at 847-738-3800.
OCIA Schedule
OCIA classes vary depending on the schedule set by the catechists.